
The purpose of this study is to find out how E-service quality (E-SQ) affects customer satisfaction (CS) and behaviour intention (BI) in electronic money. The research method used is Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling, PLS-SEM to determine the relationship between E-SQ to CS, E-SQ to BI, CS to BI and the relationship of E-SQ to BI with CS as a mediating variable. In processing data, it is known that E-SQ significantly affects CS with a value of 81.1%. Non-significant E-SQ affects BI with a value of 0.056, where E-SQ significantly affects BI with CS variable as a mediating variable with a value of 0.599. Based on the calculation results, it is found that CS directly affects BI users of electronic money ABC with a value of 0.669. This shows that the higher the E-SQ given, the higher the level of customer satisfaction will also have an impact on BI users of electronic money X-cash.

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