
Compared to death by hanging, fatal cases due to pesticides intake with hanging is hardly seen. Here, we are reporting a rare case where the victim had used this combination to terminate his life as a complex suicide. The deceased was a 44-year-old man, who had ingested the pesticides and hung himself with nylon rope. A complete death investigation, including scene investigation and complete autopsy examination, was carried out. Autopsy report revealed the presence of greenish brown colour liquid with kerosene smell in stomach which was later confirmed by the chemical and instrument analysis with GC-MS as pestecides (Organophosphorus and Pyrethroid). The cause of death was although anti-mortem hanging but also due to the presence of massive amount of pesticides in visceral tissues, ingested by the victim. The method of death was more towards planned complex suicide. GC-MS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy: Agilent 7890B GC with Mass Detector 5977A was used to analyze all the exhibits. The setting of the instrument is as described: Column- HP-5MS (30 M × 0.250 mm × 0.25 μ) Oven Temperature started from 100 °C for 1.5 min then rate of 7 °C/min till 300 °C for 10 min, Injection Temperature–280 °C, Injection volume–1 μL, Mode–Split, Carrier Gas–Helium, Flow Rate–70.9 ML/min., MSD parameters included EI tune type, temperature of MS source–300 °C, temperature of MS Quad- 150 °C, Start Mass-29.00 End Mass-400. Total run time for a cycle was 25 min. Mass spectral library:- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). All exhibits and standard of Organophosphorus (Chlorpyrifos) and Pyrethroid (cypermethrin) were analysed by GC-MS after TLC. GC-MS analysis of exhibits showed by the peaks at Organophosphorus (Chlorpyrifos) RT 15.83.24 and Pyrethroid (cypermethrin) RT 27.75. No endogenous interference was observed during the determination of Organophosphorus and Pyrethroid. Hanging with poisoning are reported as the most complicated manner of suicide and the value of toxicological analysis should not be underestimated in these cases. This case further highlights the responsibility of various stake holders to ban highly hazardous pesticides. So, that it may not be used for of suicidal intent.

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