
Partial evaluation has been applied to compiler optimization and generation for decades. Most of the successful partial evaluators have been designed for general-purpose languages. Our observation is that domain-specific languages are also suitable targets for partial evaluation. The unusual computational models in many DSLs bring challenges as well as optimization opportunities to the compiler. To enable aggressive optimization, partial evaluation has to be specialized to fit the specific paradigm of a DSL. In this dissertation, we present three such specialized partial evaluation techniques designed for specific languages that address a variety of compilation concerns. The first algorithm provides a low-cost solution for simulating concurrency on a single-threaded processor. The second enables a compiler to compile modest-sized synchronous programs in pieces that involve communication cycles. The third statically elaborates recursive function calls that enable programmers to dynamically create a system's concurrent components in a convenient and algorithmic way. Our goal is to demonstrate the potential of partial evaluation to solve challenging issues in code generation for domain-specific languages. Naturally, we do not cover all DSL compilation issues. We hope our work will enlighten and encourage future research on the application of partial evaluation to this area.

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