
With the beginning of the aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine in 2014, the territory of our country began to become a leader among the replaced countries of the world. The situation escalated with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation in February 2022, and today’s Ukraine has become the country that is the most complicated in terms of explosive devices in the world. The enemy has been ignoring the requirements of international treaties and conventions regarding the prohibition of the use of certain types of mine weapons and uses the entire range of engineering ammunition available to him. One mine weapon is a major hazard from unexploded ordnance. In addition, during hostilities, one of the most difficult tasks is to provide military reconnaissance of the area for the presence of explosive objects, demining the area and passing through the changing fields of the enemy during the offensive. For the performance of these tasks, the staff structure of the engineering troops provides for appropriate units that are equipped with both equipment and hand-held reconnaissance and demining equipment. The protest and experience of the use of engineering units of the Defense Forces shows that the mentioned equipment, reconnaissance and demining are outdated, have low efficiency and do not meet the requirements for performing tasks of this type. At the same time, due to moral obsolescence and unsatisfactory state of means of exploration and mechanization, the manual method remains the main way of making passages in variable-explosive barriers. This method is extremely dangerous and contagious to the point of losing personnel.
 In order to eliminate (mitigate) the mentioned problems, research is being conducted on the development of modern perspective demining complexes, both manual and remote-control. There are questions about their evaluation according to the level of technical excellence and efficiency during research.
 The article offers one of the options for a partial method of comparative assessment of the level of technical perfection of samples of demining means (complexes) using methods of simulation modeling and a progressive standard. Assessment of the degree of compliance of alternatives to demining complexes is carried out by comparing them with a standard for which there is no state standard, and general requirements or quantitative indicators. Determining compliance with the requirements consists in comparing the comprehensive indicator of the evaluated alternatives of the demining complex with the comprehensive basic indicator.

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