
In starch gel electrophoresis of horse sera each transferrin variant is formed by a strong anodal band and a weaker cathodal band. An 'atypical' Tf C, has two zones of about equal intensity. Family data show that Tf C is genetically controlled by an allele Tf C at the Tf locus. Frequencies of transferrin alleles in various horse breeds are also presented. After isolation and fractionation of individual transferrin variants (Tf O, Tf D, Tf C) on DEAE-Sephadex, additional weak bands were detected. The two main zones of each variant were isolated in a pure state and treated with neuraminidase. In all three variants studied the electrophoretic mobility of the slower band (2a) was decreased in two steps, and the faster band (4b) in four steps. The mobilities of hands derived from the fast zone (4b) were slower than mobilities of corresponding bands derived from the slow zone (2a). These results suggest the presence of two sialic acid residues in the slow zone, and of four residues in the fast zone. Residual heterogeneity was independent of sialic acid.

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