
Upon adding division to the operations of a field we obtain a meadow. It is conventional to view division in a field as a partial function, which complicates considerably its algebra and logic. But partiality is one out of a plurality of possible design decisions regarding division. Upon adding a partial division function ÷ to a field Q of rational numbers we obtain a partial meadow Q(÷) of rational numbers that qualifies as a data type. Partial data types bring problems for specifying and programming that have led to complicated algebraic and logical theories – unlike total data types. We discuss four different ways of providing an algebraic specification of this important arithmetical partial data type Q(÷) via the algebraic specification of a closely related total data type. We argue that the specification method that uses a common meadow of rational numbers as the total algebra is the most attractive and useful among these four options. We then analyse the problem of equality between expressions in partial data types by examining seven notions of equality that arise from our methods alone. Finally, based on the laws of common meadows, we present an equational calculus for working with fracterms that is of general interest outside programming theory.

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