
This chapter presents Iranian perspectives on the Hague Principles. Generally, private international law is not very developed in Iran, neither in theory nor in practice. This is for diverse reasons: the history and the legacy of the capitulations systems, according to which foreign citizen and entities were exempted from Iranian jurisdiction, is still vividly felt, as is the fear of potential foreign domination. This has nurtured a general suspicion towards the application of foreign law as a gateway for political intervention of foreign powers. Following the revolution of 1979, the political situation and the instability and insecurity of foreign investments have been major impediments to the spread of international commerce between Iran and the rest of the world, diminishing the need to establish efficient private international law tools. This factual situation is mirrored by a poor engagement with international contract law in scholarly writings, which often remain hypothetical and abstract due to the lack of case law. Nowhere in the literature is any reference made to the Hague Principles. Only in the field of international arbitration has there been some movement: in 1997, the Law on International Commercial Arbitration (LICA) was enacted, a code that relies greatly on the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law.

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