
Craniofacial structure is an important risk factor in the development of obstructive sleep apnoea. Most craniofacial imaging methods are not feasible for large-scale studies or the clinic. Craniofacial photography is a high-throughput technique for facial phenotyping; however, derived measurements are a composite of skeletal and soft tissue craniofacial information. Weight change is a paradigm to help determine which facial measurements most relate to regional soft tissue (i.e. change with weight) versus skeletal structure (i.e. stable with weight changes). We aimed to assess the association between weight change and changes in key facial measurements from facial photography. Calibrated frontal and profile photographs were taken of participants in weight loss studies (N = 106). Univariate linear regression was used to assess whether weight change explained changes in facial dimensions. Patients lost 11.7 ± 10.8kg body weight and 2.0 ± 2.0cm of neck circumference. Weight changes influenced face width (r = 0.3, p < 0.001), mandibular width (r = 0.4, p < 0.001) and cervicomental angle (r = 0.3, p = 0.001). Facial angles, facial heights and mandibular length were not influenced by weight change. A weight loss paradigm suggests that face and mandibular width and cervicomental angle most strongly reflect regional adiposity. Facial angles and heights are insensitive to weight change and could be more representative of craniofacial skeletal structure. This study informs the interpretation of facial phenotype assessed by this craniofacial photographic method which can be applied to future studies of craniofacial phenotype in OSA.

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