
offering many new techniques in this regard. He admired Charles Meunier and Marius Michel for their innovative designs, often based on older methods. Uzanne however saw the possibilities of industrial development in typography. He also helped to foster a revival of the woodcut, and felt that photography could play a role in the woodcut to depict Parisian cityscapes. During this time bibliophiles formed associations of book collectors. The most important was the Société des Bibliophiles François, who deliberately chose the Old French adjective to describe their admiration for the past. Baron Pichon founded the Society in 1821 and remained its president for sixty years. At the same time, the Amis des Livres, people of average wealth, collected industrially produced but attractive luxury books. These groups often met at lavish dinners, and even their menus became collectors’ items. Finally, Uzanne himself founded the Société des Bibliophiles Contemporains, to emphasize the necessity of originality through technology. Avant-garde literary and artistic reviews also participated in the bibliophile movement, adding their voice against commercialism and mass-marketing. Silverman also studies the role of women in the book market. Women were considered the enemies and destroyers of books, and most bibliophiles found an inherent contradiction between “women” and “bibliophiles.” Women, though literate, were expected to read only books for domesticity or entertainment. Book collecting was regarded as strictly masculine. Thus books became a feminine symbol, with sexual connotations. Few women worked in librairies, but did perform unskilled tasks there. However, Silverman notes, male superiority in the book world began to face new challenges with the education of women and the emergence of the femme nouvelle. Silverman ends her study with an analysis of Uzanne’s La Fin des livres (1895), in which he, borrowing from other authors, predicts the use of the telephone to convey images, and portable sound-recording devices, called storyographes. Books would have no future development, except for commercial purposes. Uzanne did not foresee the disappearance of libraries, and many of his visions have come to pass in digital and computerized information technology. Silverman includes ample black and white illustrations in her book to accompany and clarify the text. There are also portraits and sketches of the important people cited in the book. The author has researched her topic thoroughly, as evidenced by over forty pages of notes. She has translated all French quotations accurately in the text, and gives the original in a note. The bibliography is impressive , with many manuscripts, letters, and primary sources. While the reader may occasionally be overwhelmed by names, references, and a sometimes dense style, The New Bibliopolis presents a worthy socio-cultural study embodied in the world of books. Chestnut Hill College (PA) Mary Helen Kashuba FLAUD, ANNIK, et GÉRARD BOLLON. Paroles de Réfugiés et de Justes. Le Cheylard: Dolmazon, 2009. ISBN 978-2-911584-28-2. Pp. 148. 22 a. Cet ouvrage présente un ensemble de témoignages retraçant l’hébergement clandestin de fugitifs, en majorité juifs et réfugiés espagnols, durant la Seconde 180 FRENCH REVIEW 84.1 Guerre mondiale, dans la région du Chambon-sur-Lignon, située au sud de l’Auvergne. La majorité des essais sont écrits par les survivants juifs de cette période, dont beaucoup s’expriment ici pour la première fois. L’itinéraire de ces familles menacées d’extermination est souvent le même, comme on le lit dans l’avant-propos: un couple et ses enfants frappent à la porte d’une petite ferme isolée. La fermière, inquiète certainement, finit par ouvrir les deux battants de sa cuisine et garde ainsi les fugitifs, qu’ils soient antinazis, juifs, polonais, espagnols, autrichiens, allemands, tchèques, russes ou “terroristes recherchés”. (8) Chacun de ces témoignages directs exerce sur le lecteur un pouvoir que n’auront jamais les analyses d’historiens. Au fil des récits, on réalise l’héroïsme quotidien de la population, au mépris des énormes risques encourus. Le Chambon-surLignon est une région de “parpaillots”, terme qui désigne (péjorativement) les protestants dès le dix-septième siècle, et...

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