
The aim of this research was to analyze the individual and socioenvironmental perceived quality of life in the Physical Education teaching career in Public State Schools in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, according to the Professional Cycles of Development (CPD). This research used as instruments the Elementary and High School Physical Education Teachers Evaluation Scale of Life Quality at Work (QVT-PEF), and the Individual Lifestyle Profile. The sample selection process was proportionally stratified by geographical areas of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and randomly selected per conglomerate, including 380 Physical Education teachers (141 males and 239 females), with an age range of 23-60 years old (Average = 40,18; DP = 8,16). For the data analysis, the Chi-Square Test, the Kruskal Wallis Test and the Fischer's Exact Test were adopted, with a significance level of p < 0.05. The results showed that most teachers were satisfied with their quality of life at work (QVT), except in terms of income and compensation dimensions. The increase in quality of life at work satisfaction levels is associated with the progress in the teaching career, where teachers at tenior position presented the highest levels. Considering the demographic variables and CPD, the highest dissatisfaction levels in relation to wage and working conditions were observed among female teachers and post-graduated teachers in the consolidation and stabilization cycles; while the largest satisfaction levels were presented by married teachers in the diversification cycle and teachers of the consolidation cycle that work at one school only. With regards to the Individual Lifestyle Profile (PEVI), most teachers presented positive perception, especially the teachers in the entrance and consolidation cycles, who presented a more positive profile. The results did not confirm the existence of an association between the individual and socioenvironmental parameters of quality of life.

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