
Family counselling clinics are a unique Italian social and health service. They were created in the 70s to deal with sex education, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, gender identity and violence. The access is for free also for minors because Italian Law 194/78 grants minors the right to make autonomous contraceptive and sexual choices. Many family counselling clinics deal with sex education also in schools. They also have specific spaces called Spazio Giovani, recognized in the recent LEA (essential levels of assistance), in which young people can meet counsellors without any appointment and can discuss with them. Collaboration, exchange of information and shared training with paediatricians are desirable practices. The creation of listening opportunities on sexuality can break the internet noise and promote mental and sexual health in adolescents. Today’s boys and girls have access to more information about sex and sexuality than previous generations. They are likely to encounter everywhere narratives about sex, often with contents that are inappropriate for their age. This is the space that should be fitted into to make teenagers feel less alone, to let them dream and to convey them the pleasure of having relationships that are based on affection and support their mental health.

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