
In this work, by using the strong coupling expansion and exact diagonization (ED), we study the $ Z_2/U(1) $ Dicke model with independent rotating wave (RW) coupling $ g $ and counter-rotating wave (CRW) coupling $ g^{\prime} $ at a finite $ N $. This model includes the four standard quantum optics model: Rabi, Dicke, Jaynes-Cummings ( JC ) and Tavis-Cummings (TC) model as its various special limits. We show that in the super-radiant phase, the system's energy levels are grouped into doublets with even and odd parity. Any anisotropy $ \beta=g/g^{\prime} \neq 1 $ leads to the oscillation of parities in both the ground and excited doublets as the atom-photon coupling strength increases. The oscillations will be pushed to the infinite coupling strength in the isotropic $ Z_2 $ limit $ \beta=1 $. We find nearly perfect agreements between the strong coupling expansion and the ED in the super-radiant regime. We also compute the photon correlation functions, squeezing spectrum, number correlation functions which can be measured by various standard optical techniques.

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