
The purpose of research is to present the activities of the Polish émigré magazine Kultura in the popularization of Ukrainian literature and culture, primarily formed in exile. The research methodology is based on the comparative methodology and hermeneutic methodology, which allow to present and explain different approaches to culture and literature. But they also teach respect for the Other. The Scientific Novelty lies in the fact that, for the first time in Polish literary studies, a deep reflection was undertaken on the forms of implementation by the “Kultura” program of cooperation between Poles and Ukrainians (postulated by Jerzy Giedroyc, the editor of emigration monthly). The Conclusions: Undoubtedly Lobodowski fulfilled the most important role in the process of evaluation of Ukrainian identity in conjunction with simultaneous reassessment of Polish identity. He stared at the Ukrainian literature, especially poetry, almost exclusively through the prism of its artistic value. In all essays Lobodowski commanded ‘dignity’ of Ukrainian literature, he also drew attention to the attainment of its independence, to the liberation from the chains of national duty.

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