
Increasing evidence indicates that children and adolescents ho are informed and educated about issues of sexuality are more likely to be sexually responsible and less likely to put themselves in sexually risky situations. Parents can play a pivotal role in imparting accurate information and values to their children in a developmentally appropriate manner. Such communication can greatly improve their child's potential for making healthy decisions about sexuality. Therefore, it is important that parents understand the rationale for sexuality education and utilize many avenues of communication to reach children and adolescents. Given that family therapists are in an influential role with respect to their clients, it is imperative that they have basic knoledge of sexuality education and bring such knoledge into their work with parents, children, and adolescents. e discuss hy itis important for parents to be involved in sexuality education, the obstacles within families and the ider culture that can “get in the ay,” and research-based information that can help therapists and their clients. Finally, e highlight the specific roles that feminist family therapists can play with parents, children, and adolescents.

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