
Semi-structured clinical interviews were conducted with all participating mothers pre-and post-intervention. The Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) evaluated the mothers' parenting styles. The psychosocial functioning of the participating children was assessed with the parental version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The relationship between parenting styles, psychosocial parameters, and weight outcomes was investigated using a linear regression analysis. Weight-related stigma at school (56%), body image concerns (66%), and difficulties in family relationships (48%) were the main concerns documented during the initial psychological interviews. According to the SDQ, there was a significant decrease in children's conduct problems during the study's initial phase (pre-pilot group). A decrease in maternal demandingness (i.e., strict parenting style) was associated with a decrease in BMI z-score (beta coefficient = 0.314, p-value = 0.003). Decreasing parental demandingness was associated with better weight outcomes, highlighting the importance of assessing parenting factors in pediatric weight management programs.

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