
Every parent has their own way of raising children. different parenting styles, the attitudes shown will also be different. This research discusses 1). Parenting patterns in the formation of children's morals in the IB class of MI Salafiyah Asy Syafi'iyah Jatirogo, Tuban Regency, academic year 2021/2022, 2). Supporting and inhibiting factors that influence the formation of children's morals in the IB class at MI Salafiyah Asy Syafi'iyah Jatirogo, Tuban Regency, academic year 2021/2022. This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. This type of research is field research using interview techniques with parents and several teachers. In collecting data, researchers used observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the first research show that there are three types of parenting styles applied by parents to children, namely, democratic, permissive and authoritarian parenting. Second, from the results of this research, researchers found that there were two factors that influenced the formation of children's morals. The first is the supporting factors which include: the awareness and willingness of children, the support and motivation of parents, and the implementation of 3S by school institutions. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are lack of awareness and interest from children, lack of guidance from parents.

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