
NUTRITIONAL PARENTING ASSISTED WHATSAPP; DIGITAL LITERACY TO SUPPORT THE HEALTHY GENERATION OF ACHIEVERS. Parents have an important role in a family. Parental involvement in childcare has great potential to be developed. The potential of parents in parenting can be optimized through the potential of human and technological resources. In the current digital era, the potential for parental involvement can be strengthened by whatsapp-based digital literacy. Whatsapp is a technology resource that can convey various forms of messages such as text messages, voice messages, picture messages, even voice and video calls. This activity aims to empower parents in providing balanced nutrition for children through whatsapp-based parenting activities. The target group used as partners in this activity are parents of toddlers who attend Pos PAUD, at Pos PAUD Lestari II, Semarang City, Central Java. The method used in this activity was the initiation and parenting of whatsapp continuously. The results of activities carried out in the form of whatsapp-based nutrition parenting groups, the number of participants consisted of 20 parents, the results showed there were 85% of parents who had high enthusiasm when whatsapp parenting took place and 35% of parents were able to practice balanced diet for children. This activity needs to be continued given the limited number of parents who can practice balanced diet, the next activity can be in the form of literacy strengthening through peer education activities as an effort to increase parental involvement in fulfilling children's nutritional intake.



  • In the current digital era, the potential for parental involvement can be strengthened by whatsapp-based digital literacy

  • The target group used as partners in this activity are parents of toddlers who attend Pos Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), at Pos PAUD Lestari II, Semarang City, Central Java

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Pedoman Gizi Seimbang

Dalam upaya mengoptimalkan penyampaian pesan gizi seimbang kepada masyarakat, diperlukan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi yang tepat dan berbasis masyarakat. Pendidikan dan penyuluhan gizi dengan menggunakan slogan 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna yang dimulai 1952, telah berhasil menanamkan pengertian tentang pentingnya gizi dan kemudian merubah perilaku konsumsi masyarakat. Prinsip 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna yang diperkenalkan oleh Bapak Gizi Indonesia Prof. Di Indonesia prinsip tersebut dikenal dengan Pedoman Gizi Seimbang. Perbedaan mendasar antara slogan 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna dengan Pedoman Gizi Seimbang adalah: Konsumsi makan sehari-hari harus mengandung zat gizi dalam jenis dan jumlah (porsi) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan setiap orang atau kelompok umur. Konsumsi makanan harus memperhatikan prinsip 4 pilar yaitu anekaragam pangan, perilaku hidup bersih, aktivitas fisik dan memantau berat badan secara teratur untuk mempertahankan berat badan normal (Kemenkes RI, 2014)

Prinsip Gizi Seimbang
Perilaku orangtua
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