
Since the implementation in 1986, there is little research focused on vaccine information statements (VISs) use for vaccine education and parental perception. To explore parental reports of dissemination and use of VISs. Data for this pilot, cross-sectional, descriptive study were collected through an online survey in both English and Spanish. Responses from 130 parents in one school district were analyzed. Most participants (67.7%) reported getting vaccine information from a pediatric health care provider. A majority (71.5%) said that VISs were included in the vaccination process. Approximately one third of participants (37.7%) reported reading some or all the VIS before their child was vaccinated, and more than half (59.3%) read some or all the VIS after their child was vaccinated. While promising that many parents reported receiving a VIS, more than one quarter of parents reported they did not. Inadequate time to read and understand VIS information before an immunization may lead to limited parental understanding. Although some participants reported struggling to understand VISs, more than half said that VISs were helpful and would read another in the future. Without appropriate use of vaccine education material, providers miss the opportunity to educate parents on the risks and benefits of vaccinating their children. Providers must be aware of literacy levels and vaccine attitudes and create appropriate opportunities for parents to read and learn about vaccines. VISs are valuable educational tools for patients and parents. Improvements are needed to improve both VIS clarity and dissemination.

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