
Abstracts ingediend voor het Amsterdam Kindersymposium 2013 Parental perceptions of child vulnerability in parents of children with Kawasaki Disease Hedy A. van Oers MSc (1), Carline E. Tacke MD (2), Lotte Haverman MSc (1), Heleen Maurice-Stam PhD (1), Taco W. Kuijpers MD PhD (2), Martha A. Grootenhuis PhD (1) (1) Psychosocial Department, Emma Children’s Hospital, AMC.(2) Department of Pediatric Hematology, Immunology and Rheumatology, Emma Children’s Hospital, AMC. INTRODUCTION Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology that predominant-ly aff ects children <5 years. 25% of untreated patients develops coronary artery aneurysms (CAA). Studies evaluating the long-term impact of the acute KD episode are scarce. The aim of this abstract is to evaluate parental perceptions of child vulnerability (PPCV) in parents of children with a history of KD. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted in parents (82% mothers) of 288 KD patients (mean 8.6 years). PPCV was assessed using the Child Vulnerability Scale (CVS). PPCV scores of KD parents were compared to parents of healthy and chronically ill children (Chi2). PPCV scores of parents of KD patients with and without CAA were compared (Chi2) and the correlation between PPCV and time since KD onset was calculated (Spearman’s rho).

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