
SUMMARYPolyploidy provides an opportunity for evolutionary innovation and species diversification, especially under stressful conditions. In allopolyploids, the conditional dynamics of homoeologous gene expression can be either inherited from ancestral states pre‐existing in the parental diploids or novel upon polyploidization, the latter potentially permitting a wider range of phenotypic responses to stresses. To gain insight into regulatory mechanisms underlying the diversity of salt resistance in Gossypium species, we compared global transcriptomic responses to modest salinity stress in two allotetraploid (AD‐genome) cotton species, Gossypium hirsutum and G. mustelinum, relative to their model diploid progenitors (A‐genome and D‐genome). Multivariate and pairwise analyses of salt‐responsive changes revealed a profound alteration of gene expression for about one third of the transcriptome. Transcriptional responses and associated functional implications of salt acclimation varied across species, as did species‐specific coexpression modules among species and ploidy levels. Salt responsiveness in both allopolyploids was strongly biased toward the D‐genome progenitor. A much lower level of transgressive downregulation was observed in the more salt‐tolerant G. mustelinum than in the less tolerant G. hirsutum. By disentangling inherited effects from evolved responses, we show that expression biases that are not conditional upon salt stress approximately equally reflect parental legacy and regulatory novelty upon allopolyploidization, whereas stress‐responsive biases are predominantly novel, or evolved, in allopolyploids. Overall, our work suggests that allopolyploid cottons acquired a wide range of stress response flexibility relative to their diploid ancestors, most likely mediated by complex suites of duplicated genes and regulatory factors.

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