
Background: The purpose of this study was to assess Parental involvement and Pupils' academic performance in five selected public primary schools of Kalamba sub-county Butambala district. Methodology: The study used a cross-sectional survey design where purposive sampling of 5 government aided and 5 out of 10 in Kalamba sub-county, as well as the intact classes of pupils from primary five to Seven taking four major subjects as per the Uganda National Examination Board guidelines, were included in the study. Thus 425 pupils and 45 teachers participated in the study. Questionnaires with close-ended and structured items were used to collect data on parental involvement. Results: The study enrolled 208 males and 262 females aged 18 and above. Findings revealed that parental involvement is low in pupils' academic performance and the relationship between parental involvement and pupils’ academic performance is significant. Close analysis reveals that all three concepts of parental involvement, namely, parent-pupil interaction, parent-moral guidance, and parent-teacher interaction, had positive r-values that are 0.145, 0.198, and 0.118. Conclusions: Due to social, political, technological, and economic changes in Uganda, in some parts of Uganda, some parents have abandoned their roles towards their children, many of them do not interact with them, morally guide them, and not interact with their teachers; that pupils in primary schools in Kalamba sub county Butambala district generally do not perform well academically and that academic achievement of the learner depends on many factors, Parental involvement is among these factors. The higher the Parental involvement, the higher the possibility of the pupils getting good results and vice versa. Recommendations: There is a need for parents in Kalamba sub-county to give enough time for their children to get highly involved with them, monitor them, guide them morally, interact with teachers, and support them financially and academically.

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