
Annie Ernaux, the slippery writer from the misery of the working class to the beauty of the bourgeoisie. This writer lived under the care of her parents, who devoted their efforts to having a stable life similar to the life of the bourgeois class, but there the environmental impact, the cultural base and the poverty prevented it. The entry of the writer into the monastery school and her accompaniment with the sons of the bourgeois class was the first reasons that fueled her feeling of alienation and the miserable life she leads in relation to her colleagues. This comparison made her resentful of her parents, as she compares her friends' mothers and fathers who speak kindly to their daughters, and her father's harsh and rude words. All these events prompted the writer to escape from the working class to the bourgeoisie. The narrator was angry at the father's language and behavior, and even at the deceitful language he was using, describing her father as shy and silent in front of people he thought were important. This research will approach the subject of the parental heritage at Ernaux in his novel La Place which will be realized through the personal effects on his life. Moreover, a retracing of the manifestations of the influence of social class on the author is done in the research without for getting the theme of religion, its role and its relationship with social class. The researcher will discuss the scope of the convenience of the style used by the author in order to convey the image of the social world in the novel. The state of Ernaux s psychological division will take in itself a reason for the mobility in the class it has known. Keywords: parental heritage, social class, religion social mobility.

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