
BackgroundDuring normal zygotic division, two haploid parental genomes replicate, unite and segregate into two biparental diploid blastomeres.ResultsContrary to this fundamental biological tenet, we demonstrate here that parental genomes can segregate to distinct blastomeres during the zygotic division resulting in haploid or uniparental diploid and polyploid cells, a phenomenon coined heterogoneic division. By mapping the genomic landscape of 82 blastomeres from 25 bovine zygotes, we show that multipolar zygotic division is a tell-tale of whole-genome segregation errors. Based on the haplotypes and live-imaging of zygotic divisions, we demonstrate that various combinations of androgenetic, gynogenetic, diploid, and polyploid blastomeres arise via distinct parental genome segregation errors including the formation of additional paternal, private parental, or tripolar spindles, or by extrusion of paternal genomes. Hence, we provide evidence that private parental spindles, if failing to congress before anaphase, can lead to whole-genome segregation errors. In addition, anuclear blastomeres are common, indicating that cytokinesis can be uncoupled from karyokinesis. Dissociation of blastocyst-stage embryos further demonstrates that whole-genome segregation errors might lead to mixoploid or chimeric development in both human and cow. Yet, following multipolar zygotic division, fewer embryos reach the blastocyst stage and diploidization occurs frequently indicating that alternatively, blastomeres with genome-wide errors resulting from whole-genome segregation errors can be selected against or contribute to embryonic arrest.ConclusionsHeterogoneic zygotic division provides an overarching paradigm for the development of mixoploid and chimeric individuals and moles and can be an important cause of embryonic and fetal arrest following natural conception or IVF.

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