
Relevance. The systemic search for the new genetic combinations for the use as parental forms or final hybrids allows for the faster and more cost-effective advancement of the existing poultry crosses and/or development of new ones. Methods. The productive performance in newly developed parental forms (paternal X12, autosexing maternal X34) of broiler breeders and final hybrids (X1234) was assessed on-farm during 2016-2020 in the Center for Genetics & Selection “Smena”. Results. The selection of preparental broiler chicken lines X1 and X2 (Cornish breed) resulted in the improvements in egg fertility percentage and hatch of chicks by 3.6%; live bodyweight at 28 days of age in their hybrid (paternal form X12) was increased by 3.1%. The targeted selection of autosexing maternal form X34 (Plymouth Rock breed) for reproductive performance resulted in the improvements in egg production by 1.3%, the percentage of eggs suitable for incubation by 0.4%, number of chicks per hen housed by 2.1%. The accuracy of sexing with the use of marker genes K-k is 99.5%. The European production efficiency index (EPEF) in the final hybrid broilers X1234 was improved by 11.5%. The conclusion was made that the newly developed parental forms and final hybrid broilers have high genetic productivity potential and could be effectively used in the commercial broiler production.


  • The targeted selection of autosexing maternal form X34 (Plymouth Rock breed) for reproductive performance resulted in the improvements in egg production by 1.3%, the percentage of eggs suitable for incubation by 0.4%, number of chicks per hen housed by 2.1%

  • The European production efficiency index (EPEF) in the final hybrid broilers X1234 was improved by 11.5%

  • Candidate of Agriculture Science, Director ad interim

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For citation: Emanuylova Z.V., Komarov A.A., Egorova A.V., Efimov D.N. Parental forms and broilers selected by the Center for Genetics & Selection “Smena”.

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