
Parental engagement in learner’s learning process is credited with benefits of improving children behaviour and development of moral values. This study explored parental engagement in the development of values in pupils through grade four social studies curriculum. Through the application of grounded theory research design, 25 parents were interviewed for this study. Data analysis was done inductively using grounded theory techniques through the constant comparative technique. The study revealed that parents engaged in a wide range of activities while developing children’s values through grade four social studies curriculum. These activities included: Assigning duties to their children; Setting moral standards; Role modelling; conducting moral conversations; Provision of basic needs to deter social crimes; Correcting bad behaviour through punishment; and Offering praises for good behaviour. Further, parents utilised the institutions of: family, peer group, religious organisations and media in the development of children values. The study recommends for parental sensitization programs on their roles in the development of their children values. it also recommends for closer collaboration between parents and the institutions of: family, peer group, religious organisations and media in the development of children’s values.

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