
Despite orchidopexy within the first year of life, 20-25% of boys with nonsyndromic cryptorchidism may risk infertility according to histological and hormonal data obtained during surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acceptance rate of testicular tissue cryopreservation among parents of prepubertal boys with cryptorchidism. Fourteen boys with cryptorchidism and high infertility risk were offered cryopreservation as an additional procedure after orchidopexy based on abnormal histopathological findings at primary surgery, whereas 27 boys with bilateral cryptorchidism were offered cryopreservation at the initial orchidopexy. A total of 90% of parents (37/41, 13/14, and 24/27) gave consent to perform cryopreservation, despite being well-informed that the procedural efficacy is largely unproven and may only be needed in about 20% of cases. The number of germ cells per tubule cross-section was 0.03-1.70 (median 0.37) and 22 boys (54%, 22/41) had a value below the lower range. Twelve boys (29%, 12/41) had no type A dark spermatogonia in their biopsy. Cryopreservation of testicular tissue is the first step to introduce spermatogonial stem cell-based therapy into clinical male infertility treatment. At the time of orchidopexy, a testicular biopsy can be collected to ascertain the infertility risk, and it may be an option for boys with bilateral cryptorchidism to have spermatogonial stem cells frozen as a fertility reserve.

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