
In women aged from 20 up to 60 years paraurethral cysts occur in 1–6%. In most cases, the clinical course of paraurethral cysts is asymptomatic, so their diagnosis can cause difficulties. Women who have paraurethral cysts may complain of pain, dyspareunia, and urinary disorders. The size of a cyst more than 2 cm can affect the quality of patient’s life, and very often causes symptoms of the lower urinary tract, including obstructive ones. Paraurethral cysts need to be differentiated other perineal formations. This article presents a review of the literature on the etiology, clinical course and diagnosis of paraurethral cysts. The main points of differential diagnosis of paraurethral cyst with urethral diverticulum, adenocarcinoma are also consecrated. Taking into consideration the anatomical location and the specifics of the treatment of paraurethral cysts, this problem has an interdisciplinary nature and requires the attention of specialists such as: urologist, gynecologist, surgeon.


  • Research and Practical Medicine Journal 2019, v.7, No1, p. 48-54 Andrei A

  • Источником развития Парауретральные кисты (ПК) являются парауретральные железы [5, 6, 7]

  • Primary adenocarcinoma arising from a paraurethral cyst in a female patient

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Research and Practical Medicine Journal 2019, v.7, No1, p. 48-54 Andrei A. For citation Kostin A.A., Shaplygin L.V., Kulchenko N.G., Mansur A., Shulpina I.S. Paraurethral cysts in women. Парауретральные кисты (ПК) представляют собой небольшие кистозные образования, расположенные вокруг наружного отверстия уретры [1, 2]. Источником развития ПК являются парауретральные железы (железы Скина – парные рудименты предстательной железы, которые расположены в дистальной части уретры) [5, 6, 7]. ПК клинически протекают бессимптомно и часто являются случайной находкой при обследовании женщин.

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