
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) has been shown to be essential for normal endochondral bone formation. Along with Indian hedgehog (Ihh), it forms a paracrine regulatory loop that governs the pace of chondrocyte differentiation. However, the source of PTHrP for this regulatory loop is not clear. While one hypothesis has suggested the periarticular perichondrium as the source of PTHrP for growth plate regulation, other data utilizing immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization would indicate that growth plate chondrocytes themselves are the source of this peptide. The data described in this report supports the view that postnatal growth plate chondrocytes have the ability to synthesize this important regulatory peptide. Immunohistochemistry of tissue sections showed that PTHrP protein was evident throughout the chick epiphysis. PTHrP was seen in chondrocytes in the periarticular perichondrium, the perichondrium adjacent to the growth plate, the prehypertrophic zone of the growth plate, and the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate. However, cells in the proliferative zone, as well as some chondrocytes in the deeper layers of articular cartilage were predominantly negative for PTHrP. PTHrP was detected by Western blotting as a band of 16,400 Da in extracts from hypertrophic chondrocytes, but not from proliferative cells. RT-PCR detected PTHrP mRNA in both proliferative and hypertrophic growth plate chondrocytes, as well as in articular chondrocytes. PTH/PTHrP receptor mRNA was detected by Northern blotting in growth plate, but not articular chondrocytes. Thus, we conclude that most of the PTHrP present in the epiphyseal growth plate of the juvenile chick originates in the growth plate itself. Furthermore, the presence of large amounts of PTHrP protein in the hypertrophic zone supports the concept that PTHrP has other functions in addition to regulating chondrocyte differentiation.

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