
Pretreatment of male mice with piperonyl butoxide, 400 mg/kg 1 h before challenge with insecticides, resulted in a 40-fold antagonism of the acute i.p. toxicity of methyl parathion but potentiated the toxicity of parathion two-fold. Piperonyl butoxide had no effect on the toxicity of the oxygen analogs of these insecticides, methyl paraoxon and paraoxon. Diethyl maleate (1 ml/kg) depleted liver glutathione by 80% after one hour, potentiated the toxicity of both methyl parathion and methyl paraoxon, and partially counteracted the protective effect of piperonyl butoxide on methyl parathion toxicity. Piperonyl butoxide delayed the onset of brain cholinesterase inhibition by parathion. Studies of the metabolism of the insecticides by liver homogenates in vitro demonstrated that piperonyl butoxide inhibited both the oxidative formation of the oxygen analogs (activation) and oxidative cleavage to p-nitrophenol and dialkylphosphorothioic acid (detoxification). While parathion metabolism was mostly oxidative, methyl parathion metabolism appeared to be predominantly via glutathione-dependent enzymes. Studies of in vitro distribution of the insecticides demonstrated that piperonyl butoxide pretreatment resulted in elevated tissue concentrations of parathion and methyl parathion; however, the rate constant for elimination from plasma for both insecticides was unaffected by piperonyl butoxide. The overall rate of metabolism of methyl parathion in vivo was approximately twice that of parathion. These results suggest that during piperonyl butoxide inhibition of oxidative activation and cleavage, methyl parathion detoxification continues through uninhibited glutathione-dependent pathways of metabolism. The net result is a reduction in the acute toxicity of methyl parathion. Lack of an effective alternate pathway of detoxification may explain the delayed but greater toxicity of parathion in piperonyl butoxide pretreated mice.

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