
Three new genera and seven new species of paratanaoidean tanaidaceans are described from a variety of littoral and shallow sublittoral habitats around New Zealand, from the Snares Islands to Northland. These include a new leptocheliid genus, Parakonarus, closely allied to Konarus Bamber, and three paratanaids: two species of Paratanais Dana and a new genus, Atemtanais, which appears to show characters intermediate between Metatanais Shiino and Paratanais. The remaining three taxa belong either to the Tanaellidae (a new species of Araphura Bird & Holdich) or are of incertae sedis family status: Kanikipa n. gen. and a new species of Tanaopsis G.O. Sars.This study has almost doubled the known, published records of shallow-water tanaidomorphan species in New Zealand and all of the species are likely to be recorded more widely than the records here imply.

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