
The following are abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 35th Annual Congress of the Parasitological Society of Southern Africa (PARSA), 24–26 September 2006, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Windhoek, Namibia.


  • In South Africa, malaria transmission is restricted to 3 provinces

  • As well as being highly effective and improving cure rates, Artemisinin Combination Therapy (ACT) has the advantage of diminishing the chances of further parasite drug resistance to sequential monotherapy

  • Freshwater snails serve as 1st intermediate host and produce cercariae that penetrate the 2nd intermediate host to form metacercariae

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A Avenant-Oldewage

The Branchiura consists of only 4 genera. Dolops occurs in South America, Africa and Tasmania. These sequences did not group with B. felis, B. leo or other small blood parasites such as B. microti, but were in a group of their own These results revealed that a further Babesia species may be present in domestic cats. When comparing phylogeny to geographical distribution, it was found that within the genus Gnathia, species described from Australia, southern Africa, the Caribbean, Panamic-region and Indo-Pacific all formed separate clades, indicating a monophyletic origin in each geographic locality of this interesting group of temporary parasites. Haemogregarines matching the morphological and morphometric description of Hepatozoon pettiti were observed in Tissue responses to juvenile Gnathia pantherina feeding on the gill septa of the puffadder shyshark, Haploblepharus edwardsii, in South Africa. Entomopathogenic fungi with potential for tick control: a comparison of laboratory and field observations

G P Kaaya
B Kaonjua
E Kibuka-Sebitosi1 and G P Kaaya2
A Maas and D Waloszek
A Austin and A Avenant-Oldewage
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