
About 20 species of parasitic Hymenoptera havebeen reported from the horse chestnutleafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Generally,parasitism is low compared to other closelyrelated leafminers and the parasitism levelvaries considerably. Among other reasons,parasitism rates depend on the developmentalstage of the moth and therefore vary with thesampling date. In the current study,investigations on the parasitism of the moth'sfirst generation were carried out in order todetermine which preimaginal stages areparasitized by the most abundant parasiticwasps. Minotetrastichus frontalis (Nees),Pnigalio agraules (Walker) and Chrysocharis nephereus (Walker) (allHymenoptera: Eulophidae) developed as larval orpupal parasitoids and preferred later larvalinstars of the moth. Egg parasitism did notoccur. Overall, the last two of the six larvalinstars (the spinning instars) of the leafminersuffered the heaviest attack. In concordancewith the fairly low parasitism rates, theeffect of the four most abundant chalcidoids onthe leafminer population was negligible, havingno significant influence on the mortality ofC. ohridella. Although the speciescomposition of the parasitoid complex of C. ohridella shows similarities with thesituation found in other closely relatedleafmining moths, it is unlikely that thenaturally occurring chalcidoids will be able toprevent the horse chestnut leafminer fromdeveloping epidemic population densities in thenear future.

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