
Parasitic infestation remains a public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire. The general objective of this study is the parasitological characterization of pigs in breeding in Vavoua. The study allowed us to identify seven (7) species of parasites with a zoonotic effect: Ascaris lumbricoides, Taenia soluim, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Giardia intestinalis, and the specific species are Fasciola hepatica Toxocara canis and Echinicocus granulosus. The prevalence of zoonotic parasites varied between 65.14% and 93.82% in the villages of Vavoua. The regression of this rate may be possible on the basis of sensitization and monitoring of herders for compliance with the rules of hygiene and support from the human and animal health authorities and by the NGO working on health education and training, monitoring compliance with these rules.

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