
Miss Kan has rendered a valuable service in compiling a list of 950 papers on animal parasite diseases published in 17 Chinese-language journals from 1949 through 1964. The names of over 1,300 authors are listed. Analysis of the list of journal issues indexed gives information concerning the types of journals published, their year of inauguration, intervals of publication, and apparent restrictions imposed by the Communist Government in issuance or export to Hong Kong.The only journal published and having issues available for indexing before 1954 was the National Medical Journal of China, which is the successor of the China Medical Journal, first published in 1915. This, and the Journals of Medicine, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Chinese Traditional Medicine, and Peoples Health, were the only monthly publications. The others were started mostly as quarterlies, some later becoming bimonthlies. They were specialty journals in the clinical fields or pathology. They had been inaugurated in the years 1950 to 1955, but had not become available in HongKong until 1954 or 1956.

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