
The parasitic activity of the two parasitoids Bracon hebetor and Phanerotoma flavitestacea significantly affects the biological development of date moth Apomyelois ceratoniae . The results showed the females fecundity of both parasitoids is positively correlated with the number of host individuals ( Phanerotoma : r = 0.46 and p <0.0001, Bracon : r = 0.7 and p = 0.001). Also, a significant difference is recorded between parasitized eggs and larvae and the number of emergences of adults of both auxiliaries with p = 0.001. In addition, the results revealed a very low rate of parasitism in P. flavitestacea compared to B. Hebetor with respectively 57.83% and 100%. Therefore, this study can enable us to valorize the use of these indigenous auxiliaries by combining the parasitic activity of egg-larval parasitoid with that of larvae, as a complementary action able to improve the success of biological control programs against the date moth.

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