
One egg parasite, 7 larval parasites, 2 pupal parasites and 3 larval hyperparasites were recorded parasitizing the spotted stalk borer,Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on maize and grain sorghum in South Africa.Trichogrammatoidea lutea Girault [Trichogrammatidae] parasitized eggs ofC. partellus mainly in mid-summer. The larval parasites were active throughout the season with occasional peaks of up to 75% parasitism.Apanteles sesamiae Cameron [Braconidae], proved to be the most abundant larval parasite. It was recorded fromca. 93% of parasitized larvae but its efficiency was reduced by the hyperparasite,Aphanogmus fijiensis (Ferriere) [Ceraphronidae], which reached sometimes up to 100% parasitism on cocoons ofA. sesamiae. The efficiency ofIphiaulax sp. [Braconidae], the 2nd most abundant larval parasite, was also hindered by the hyperparasite,Eurytoma sp. [Eurytomidae] Pupal parasites were sometimes very abundant reaching up to 100% parasitism without any interference by hyperparasites. The most abundant pupal parasites wereDentichasmias busseolae Heinrich [Ichneumonidae] andPediobius furvus (Gahan) [Eulophidae].

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