
This study was conducted in Tehran and Najaf Abad abattoirs to determine the parasitic infection in Camelus dormedarius in Iran. A total of 286 camels from abattoirs of Tehran and Najaf Abad were examined during July 2011 until August 2012 from which 100 camels were evaluated for protozoa and external parasitic infection, and 186 camels were evaluated for internal parasites. A total 9 nematodes species, 4 cestodes species and 7 species of external parasites were identified as follows: Nematodes: Haemonchus longistipes (36%), Parabronema skrjabini (2.1%), Camelostrongylus mentulatus (5.3%), Trichostrongylus mentulatus (0.5%), Physocephalus sexalatus (0.5%), Nematodirella longissimespiculata (0.5%), Nematodirus oiratianus (0.5%), Nematodirella cameli (1.6%), Onchocerca fasciata (15%). Cestodes: Moniezia expansa (5.9%), Moniezia benedeni (2.6%), Stilesia globipunctata (23.6%), Hydatid cyst (in lung 16.6%, in liver 5.9% and in spleen (1.6%) Arthropoda: Hyalomma dromedarii (63.8%), Hyalomma anatolicum. anatolicum (4.6%) Hyalomma schulzei (0.4%), Hyalomma detritum (0.4%), Rhipicephalus turanicus (0.9%), Cephalopina titillator (48/3%), Linguatula serrate (64/7%). According the results of this study Haemonchus longistipes and Hyalomma dromedarii were more prevalent in camel. The results of this study showed that strategic control, including external and internal parasites of camel should be considered. This is the first report of Hyalomma detritum and Rhipicephalus turanicus from camel in Iran.

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