
In rare cases, some male individuals are sexually attracted to men who have their genitals removed. We investigate here if paraphilic attraction to men without genitals was associated with childhood experience, body image, and thoughts/behaviors related to body modification. An online survey, consisting of both validated questionnaires and questions developed by our team, was launched on the Eunuch Archive and MTurk websites. Out of 875 participants, 48.5 and 32.2% reported being attracted to males without testicles or without a penis, respectively; 49.7 and 31.0% felt they would themselves be attractive without testicles and without a penis, respectively. In terms of body modification, many reported having tattoos (19.0%) and piercings (26.1%). About half (48.3%) had played as children with male action figures without genitals, i.e., GI Joe, and Ken dolls. Additionally, some participants reported having: (1) witnessed animal castration (23.7%); (2) having been threatened with castration during their childhood (11.9%); (3) receiving genital injuries inflicted by others (11.0%); (4) pretending to be castrated (60.2%); (5) thinking of self-castration (54.2%); or (6) injuring their own penis (23.4%). Having received genital injuries inflicted by others was associated with attraction to males without testicles (OR = 1.997, p < .05), but not for attraction to males without a penis. Paraphilic attraction to males without genitals (i.e., castrated or penectomized) was associated with feeling attractive without genitals, having pretended to be castrated, considering self-castration, and having injured one's own penis. In conclusion, paraphilic attraction to males without genitals may be associated with traumatic early life events, body image, and desire for one's own genital ablation.

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