
Hodgkin lymphoma is a malignant disease with clonal proliferation of B-cells and high-level reactive inflammatory microenvironment. The main clinical sings are lymphadenopathy and toxic symptoms. Neurological symptoms as usual can be a result of compression or tumor infiltration of nervous structures. The primary damage of CNS occurs from 0,2% to 0,5% of all cases HL.
 Paraneoplastic neurological syndrome is a group of rare (an average 1 case on 10000 patients) neurological disorders against the background of oncological process. The pathophysiologic mechanism is due to production of antibody which is both to tumor cells and nerve cells. These antibodies are called onconeural autoantibodies. The hallmark which make diagnostics harder is the fact that onconeural autoantibodies rare take place in patients with lymphomas unless anti-Tr and anti-mGluR1 in patients with limbic encephalitis or paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration.
 There are two case reports about patients with PNS in onset of Hodgkin lymphoma in article.

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