
The big data processing framework Spark is used to power a parameterizable recommender system that can make recommendations for music based on a user’s individual tastes and take into account a variety of musical tonal qualities. The system as it is presently built is completely scalable, which means that additional songs can be contributed to the data, the cluster size could be increased, and new types of audio information, in addition to more cutting-edge similarity evaluations, may be included. Another issue discussed in this research paper is the parallel collection of required audio characteristics on a computer cluster. Song recommendations for a dataset including more than 114,000 songs may be created on a Spark cluster with 16 nodes in under 12 s by integrating eight distinct audio feature types and similarity assessments. After the features have been retrieved, they are sent to the Spark-based recommender system to be processed. The calculated distance was displayed, examined, and graphically depicted. By computing the distance depending on the melody, rhythmic, and timbral components of the music, the final software controls song suggestion.

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