
We study a classically chaotic system that is described by a Hamiltonian H(Q,P;x), where (Q,P) are the canonical coordinates of a particle in a two-dimensional well, and x is a parameter. By changing x we can deform the "shape" of the well. The quantum eigenstates of the system are /n(x)>. We analyze numerically how the parametric kernel P(n/m)=/<n(x)/m(x(0))>/(2) evolves as a function of delta(x)[triple bond](x-x(0)). This kernel, regarded as a function of n-m, characterizes the shape of the wave functions, and it also can be interpreted as the local density of states. The kernel P(n/m) has a well-defined classical limit, and the study addresses the issue of quantum-classical correspondence. Both the perturbative and the nonperturbative regimes are explored. The limitations of the random matrix theory approach are demonstrated.

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