
The present study was designed to investigate parameters and quantitative analysis of cocaine self-administration under a progressive-ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement, with the goal of enhancing the resolution of PR schedules for measuring reinforcing efficacy. Six rhesus monkeys were prepared with chronic intravenous catheters and trained to self-administer cocaine under a PR schedule. The schedule consisted of five components, each made up of four trials (i.e., 20 trials total). Each trial within a component had the same response requirement. Three initial response requirements were tested: fixed-ration (FR) 60, FR 120 and FR 240. The response requirements doubled in successive components to a maximum of FR 960, FR 1920 or R 3840, respectively, in the fifth component. A trial ended with an injection or the expiration of a 12- or 24-min limited hold (LH). The inter-trial interval (ITI) was 15 or 30 min. Four dependent measures were assessed: break point (last FR completed), injections/session, responses/session and response rate (responses/s). For the three initial FRs, the break point, number of injections/session, responses/session and rate increased with dose of cocaine (0.013-0.1 mg/kg per injection) at both ITI/LH values. At the ITI15/LH12, responding decreased at higher doses, i.e., the dose-response functions were biphasic. In contrast, at the ITI30/LH24, responding reached an asymptote at higher doses. In general, cocaine maintained significantly higher break points, injections/session, responses/session and rate at ITI30/LH24 than at ITI15/LH12. However, at both ITI/LHs, as initial FR was increased, injections/session at the higher doses decreased while break point, total responses/session and rate did not change. A ceiling on performance, as assessed by break point, total responses/session and response rate, may have limited the number of cocaine injections an animal could take in a session. The results of this study indicate that optimal conditions for measuring the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine were obtained at the longer ITI/LH and at initial FRs above 60.

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