
The article is devoted to the study of the correlation of extraordinary stylistic figures in Russian and English: oxymoron and catachresis. In modern linguistics, the communicative function of language and speech has become a very important problem. Because of this, stylistic methods and figures are increasingly popular among modern linguists. Many different works are devoted to oxymoron and catachresis, which indicates the interest of researchers in these phenomena. Oxymoron is referred to different stylistic categories as paradox, irony and catachresis. Some researchers also believe that oxymoron is one of the varieties of paradox. A great number of researchers think that catachresis and oxymoron are very similar in terms of structure and semantics. Indeed, some even attribute the oxymoron to catachresis. Although the former is based on a combination of contrasting words, the latter is based on a combination of words of distant concepts. The article will attempt to find similar and distinctive features of the two figures of speech.

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