
It is known from experiments [1–3] that the velocity of streamers, induced in the center of the interelectrode gap and propagating to the electrodes under conditions when the streamer length is comparable with the distance between the electrodes, increases linearly as the streamer length increases. This relationship is in qualitative agreement with theory [4], Nevertheless, the velocity of streamers starting from the electrodes and propagating in a long interelectrode gap remains practically constant during the whole propagation process [5, 6], In the case of short gaps (2–5 cm), constancy of the velocity is observed during the stage of the process when the length of the streamer is much less (≃20%) than the length of the gap [7], Since the electric field at its end controls the streamer propagation, the constancy of the streamer velocity indicates that the controlling field is constant under these conditions. A number of theoretical models were proposed in [8–13] which describe uniformly moving anode- and cathode-directed streamers (henceforth called anode and cathode streamers). Comparison of experimental data with the corresponding theoretical model enables one to determine the streamer parameters: the electric field, the charged-particle density, the current density, the channel radius, etc. In the case of an anode streamer in Xe an attempt at such a comparison was made, in particular, in [6]. However, the lack of reliable data on the value of the drift velocity and the diffusion coefficient of electrons in Xe for E/p≃ (102 − 103) V/cm · mm Hg allowed only rough estimates to be made. In this paper a numerical calculation is made of the drift velocity, the diffusion coefficient of electrons in Xe, and the rate of excitation of Xe atoms in the resonance level in the range of values of E/p≃ (101−103) V cm · mm Hg, and the volt-ampere characteristic of the breakdown is measured under conditions described in [6] (p0=300 mm Hg and E ≃ 104−105 V/cm). Using these results, the formulas for the velocity of anode [12] and cathode [13] streamers, and experimental data [6], the parameters of the streamers studied in [6] are determined.

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