
A phoniatrist analyzes the professional's voice at the beginning of his vocal studies or career but also later, in cases of voice disorder. Phoniatric examination of professional singers must be done according to "all inclusive" protocols of examination. Such protocols must establish the status of basic elements of phonatory system: activator, generator and resonator of voice and articulatory space. All patients requiring phoniatric examination no matter if they are candidates for professional singers, need to provide anamnestic data about their previous problems regarding voice or singing. This examination is necessary and it must include: examination of nose, cavum oris, pharynx, ears and larynx. This analysis is based on evaluation of physiological and pathophysiological manifestations of voice. Determination of musical voice range during phoniatric examination does not intend to make any classification of voice, nor to suggest to vocal teacher what he should count upon from future singers. Musical range can be determined only by a phoniatrist skilled in music or with musical training, but first of all vocal teacher. These methods are used for examination of phonatory function, or laryngeal pathology. They are not invasive and give objective and quantitative information. They include: laryngostroboscopy, spectral analysis of voice (sonography) and fundamental parameters of voice signal (computer program). Articulation is very important for solo singers, because good articulation contributes to qualitative emission of sound and expression of emotions. Tonal-threshold audiometry is performed as a hearing test. They include rhinomanometry, vital capacity measurements, maximal phonation time and phonation quotient. Phoniatric examination is a necessary proceeding which must be performed before admission to the academy of solo singing, and then during singers' education and career. The phoniatric protocol must include a minimal number of parameters, which can be increased if required. All parameters of phoniatric examination must be adequately evaluated by experts.

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