
The paper presents the results of modeling the movement of a multi-purpose unmanned tracked platform at various speeds, suspension settings and ground types. (Research purpose) The research purpose is measuring parameters for configuring the components of a dynamic suspension control system of a multi-purpose unmanned tracked platform designed for processing agricultural fields. (Materials and methods) The simulation of adaptive suspension when moving an autonomous multi-purpose tracked platform in rough terrain conditions carried out in the MSC.visualNastran4D software package. The ground profile was set separately for the right and left tracks; the program calculated the chassis vibrations (at the specified attachment points of the equipment) with different suspension settings. During the research, numerical methods of modeling nonlinear dynamical systems and methods of theoretical mechanics were used. (Results and discussion) Unmanned vehicles are currently actively penetrating into all spheres of human activity, including the agro-industrial complex. The use of unmanned vehicles helps to reduce production costs. The expansion of the areas of unmanned vehicles is very effective in conditions of a shortage of workers in the fields, especially in hard-to-reach places. Due to the use of adaptive suspension, the movement speed of the multi-purpose tracked platform was increased from 10 to 20 kilometers per hour, the amplitude and frequency of vibrations at attachment points were reduced, rocking was prevented. (Conclusions) As a result of the work carried out, virtual tests of the adaptive hydropneumatic suspension system were carried out. The ratios of the tuning parameters and the elastic damping properties of the reaction of the hydropneumatic suspension of an autonomous multi-purpose tracked platform were determined during straight-line movement over rough terrain and in turns.

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