
The discharge scenario query system, designed and deployed since 2014, is an important part of the EAST remote discharge scenario management system (RDSMS) Chai et al. [1]. Parameter analysis and extraction are the key function for classifying and querying scenarios. On EAST, the plasma control system (PCS) can parse the pre-set parameters line-by-line from future shots (taken from pre-set files in PCS server) or from past shots (taken from the MDSplus Manduchi et al. [2,3] tree) through a two-step conversion while the discharge parameters can be taken from the MDSplus tree directly without any conversion. To help with searching through enormous stock of past and future scenarios that are archived at EAST, we take advantage of the parsing procedure of the PCS and MDSplus programming by developing a “Parsing Program” to extract the pre-set and discharge parameters. This paper introduces the storage structure and parsing procedure of pre-set files, going into some detail for the latter. The other parameters, on the other hand, need little explanation as they are taken directly from the MDSplus tree. The pre-set parameters and the data analysis of the completed shot are archived in the MySQL database for future advanced scenario queries. In order to provide a cross platform tool, a remote graphical user interface has been built in form of a dynamic web page to query and evaluate parameters as well as provide scenario verification via auditors. This web-based discharge scenario query system will ultimately lead to improved work efficiency of technicians, researchers, scientists, users in general.

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