
Snake robots, sometimes called hyper-redundant mechanisms, can use their many degrees of freedom to achieve a variety of locomotive capabilities. These capabilities are ideally suited for disaster response because the snake robot can thread through tightly packed volumes, accessing locations that people and conventional machinery otherwise cannot. Snake robots also have the advantage of possessing a variety of locomotion capabilities that conventional robots do not. Just like their biological counterparts, snake robots achieve these locomotion capabilities using cyclic motions called gaits. These cyclic motions directly control the snake robot's internal degrees of freedom which, in turn, causes a net motion, say forward, lateral and rotational, for the snake robot. The gaits described in this paper fall into two categories: parameterized and scripted. The parameterized gaits, as their name suggests, can be described by a relative simple parameterized function, whereas the scripted cannot. This paper describes the functions we prescribed for gait generation and our experiences in making these robots operate in real experiments.

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