
The aims of the present study were to develop a parameterization of a one-year-long observed PAR time-series, apply the PAR parameterization in a primary production relation, and compare calculated and observed time-series of primary production. The PAR parameterization was applied in the generally used relation for the primary production (P d): P d = a(BI 0 Z 0) + b with observed photic depth (Z 0) and Chl-a concentrations (B). It was tested whether the PAR parameterization in combination with this simple relation for primary production was able to describe the actual measured primary production. The study is based on a one year long time-series of PAR, CTD-casts (n = 45), and primary production measurements (n = 24) from Arhus Bay (56°09′ N; 10°20′ E), south west Kattegat. Results showed a high and positive correlation between observed and calculated primary production in the bay, as based on the present PAR parameterization combined with the simple primary production relation. The developed PAR parameterization, which calculates total daily surface irradiance per day (M photons m−2 d−1), can be applied in any ecological application taking into account that it was developed for the latitude of 56° N.

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