
AbstractThe Gregg‐Henyey‐Polzin (GHP) finescale parameterization is widely employed to infer turbulent mixing when microstructure measurements are unavailable. However, the strain‐only GHP scaling is the only option when shear information is lacking, in which case the shear‐to‐strain ratio (Rω) is commonly treated as a constant. Since Rω has been reported to vary spatiotemporally, using a fixed value of Rω might result in a significant bias in inferring turbulent mixing. In this study, we present a global map of Rω, based on the microstructure database contributed by the Climate Process Team on internal wave‐driven ocean mixing, which covers the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans across both high and low latitudes. Then, we propose a parameterization of Rω by considering buoyancy frequency, Coriolis frequency, and topographic features. Compared to the GHP scaling with constant Rω, the turbulent dissipation rate values inferred from the GHP scaling with parameterized Rω are more accurate. In this manner, this study provides a reference for choosing optimal Rω when using the strain‐only GHP scaling to explore turbulent mixing in the open ocean.

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